Muscle disorders can interfere with daily activities. That's because muscles are an important part of the body's movement system that makes us able to move and move. Therefore, let's recognize, various causes of muscle disorders so that you can beware of it. This muscle disorder has a variety of symptoms that are easily recognized. Some muscle disorders are fairly mild and can be treated easily, even so, there are some disorders that you need to be aware of and cannot be underestimated. Some Causes of Muscle Disorders You Need to Know Disorders of the slightest muscle can certainly have an impact and affect our daily lives. Therefore, identify the following causes of muscle disorders: 1. Sprained Sprains are one of the most common causes of muscle disorders, especially when exercising and doing strenuous activities. This condition can occur when the muscles experience traction or twisting, both suddenly and slowly. Sprains often occur on the wrists and ankles, but ...